

Here, you can view Frequently Asked Questions and Filter all our Resources by Category.


What is an upper limb difference?

Upper limb differences vary but they are when a hand or arm looks different to the ‘norm’. For example, they can be a: partial hand difference or below arm difference. These can be from birth (congenital) or occur at any stage of life. We support people with congenital limb difference and people who experience traumatic or surgical amputation in childhood.

Who is included in my membership?

We have 3 types of membership:
Individual – for people with upper limb difference
Family – for people whose children have upper limb difference
Supporters – for people in your community who want to support local branch activity.
With a Family Membership all those currently living in your household can be included in one membership, this includes Spouse & siblings of Reach Children.

How do I fundraise for Reach?

Please follow this link here for full information on how to fundraise for Reach.  

Will my child be able to Drive?

Getting on the road is the pinnacle of independence for most young people, and for Reach teenagers, this takes a bit more organising, but is just as exciting! There are many adaptations that can be fitted to a car. Please follow this link here to find out more

I would like to write something for Within Reach. How do I do this?

Please email our Within Reach Editors and Designers Max & Tom at 

Can Siblings attend Reach Events?

Yes, of course. We love to see siblings at our events. All accept RAW (Reach Activity Week), delivered by volunteer adults with limb difference for young people with limb difference. 

All resources

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