One Handed Recorder Hire
We offer hand made descant recorders that can be played with either the right or left hand, or a combination of 1 thumb and 4 fingers if the musician is a bit creative. We ask hirers to be members of Reach and it costs £30/year to hire and a £50 non returnable deposit. We have instruments on hire to children for many years, and some recorder teachers find it helpful to hire one as well so that they can figure out the fingering together.

Many schools will cover the cost of the hire if the child is learning as part of music in the curriculum, it is always worth asking as there should be money put aside for special educational needs, the school PTA may also be able help you out.
Click here for the form to enable you to hire a recorder and return to the office by email or post – payment can be taken over the phone or by cheque. Any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to call the office on 0845 130 6225 or from a mobile on 020 3478 0100 or drop us an email to
Scissor Kit

Reach have now purchased two scissor kits which we are able to loan out to our members. These kits are designed specifically for parents, Occupational Therapists and other professionals working in special education. The kit contains different styles of adapted left and right handed scissors including easi-grip, ultra lightweight, self opening, push down table top and table mounted on a wooden base together with guidance notes on their benefits and applications.
This comprehensive kit (totalling 15 pairs of scissors and accessories) allows parents/therapists to find the most appropriate scissors for their child/client. The handy carry case provides ideal storage and easy transport for the kit and is perfect for those working peripatetically.
Reach have bought these to loan to our members and Occupational Therapists so they can assess the suitability of a pair of scissors before purchasing some for their child.
They are available for Members-only at £10 for a 2 week period and a deposit of £50 which is returnable when all items are safely returned to the Head Office.
If you are interested in renting the Scissor Assessment Kit please check the availability by emailing or phoning Head Office on 0845 1306225.