New Possibilities

Fundraise for your Birthday

Celebrate your birthday with Reach Charity!

Make your birthday extra special and ask for donations to Reach Charity in lieu of gifts or cards. Your fundraising will help support children with upper limb difference live life without limits!


Fundraising on Facebook is a great way to support Reach Charity if many of your family and friends already use this platform. You can quickly create a fundraising page so that people can mark your birthday with a donation. On your page let your family and friends know why you’re supporting Reach, when your birthday is and how much you’re hoping to raise. Click here for details on how to create your birthday fundraiser.

Facebook pays all the processing fees for you, so 100% of your donation goes directly to the charity!


With Givey you can create a fundraising page to raise money for us. Update the story section to let your loved ones know why you’ve decided to support Reach for your birthday, add a photo so your family and friends know they’re on the right page and then share the link to your page.

Share your celebration

Let everyone know that your supporting Reach for your birthday this year and share it on social media.  As you do – don’t forget to tag us in your posts. You can find us on:

Here to help

Whether you’ve got a question about setting up a fundraising page or have another idea in mind for celebrating your birthday, our fundraising team is here to help, email Ashley at


Download a copy of our Fundraising-FAQs-2024